Saturday, April 30, 2005

There's not a reason
nothing to justify
This pretty lie
my winters season

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


heh Smeotinhg my lil bortehr shwoed me
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


All the places
all we've grown
all that we fought for
all that we've had
all that we've lost
All that we know
..All of us are done for

don't panic
don't deley
"take your time, hurry up
the choice is yours, don't be late"

The world is as it is
The most beautiful warmth it gives
The bitter taste left as it drains you

Perspective changes
truths bend
weighed down by the broken...
you see
you see
see from your height
see as you go down
see as it all slips past
see yourself panic
see yourself give in
see as you watch it all
see you at the bottom
see different looking up

if you go
don't go without saying good bye
don't go without amends
don't leave things unsaid
don't leave things for your return
don't leave with promises you cant keep
don't leave it undone

hold out your hand
let me understand
I'm not alone

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Happy hour

A home to your past joys
sits there waiting to be remembered
reach out and touch it
let it slide its sensations over you
in its beautiful embrace.

I'm a forced laugh
nothing more then a courteous smile
a drivel of cliche
sincere and endearing
well meaning
you and I, are we?
somebody to lean on
share our weight
rest our shoulders

Go home
go to your place
if only for awhile
let it hold you
in its better times
set your eyes to the 'when it was'
hear the pure laughs to
the lame jokes uttered
feel the bounce in your step
your growing dreams

Violent electronic screaming
rips you from your pseudo warmth
blink until the blur is cleared
reality setting in
hit the snooze and rush to return
bury and wrap yourself
just a little more
please, just another taste
before the day takes me
No use, the day will have you
roll over and stand before it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Something should be said
to a friend that plays pretend
afraid to make their own bed
how far will you go?
to find what you seek
behind empty words

Lights went out
warmth has seeped out
finding comfort in the weary
The windows are covered
mirrors in their stead
eyes staring back at the dead.

sift through the words...
Oh I beg and plead
leave me alone to bleed
you can't cover my wound with your knife
you mean well?
Its not enough.

Puzzles of thought
questions in solitude
answers fleeting
running in circles
there's nothing in me
but self-serving sympathy
I gathered all that I could
but I was never one for confrontation
I've stood my ground
taken one to the chin
and still I stood
stood through the fierce storm
still I stood.

It was in the calm silence
the eye of the storm
that I broke down
Pushed so hard against the winds
I fell to it in its absence
not having its malice
I lost my balance.

I've lived in my cave
licking my wounds
contemplating my return
anger was what lead me out
of the dark and into the grey

A gentle hand, a kind word
eased my rage
but not my pain
happy thoughts
happy thoughts for the smiles shared
staring at our keyless door
thanks again my pretend friend.

hm? Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

The mayor Posted by Hello

close to city hall Posted by Hello

protest Posted by Hello

These pic's we're taken at a protest held today. The protest for the murder of Hassan Yusef, father of seven children.

"Hassan Yussuf's wife flew to Edmonton within hours of receiving the bad news. She brought along four of their seven children and as can be imagined, they're all in shock.

"I'm going to miss him so much. I'm going to miss all of him." says nine year old Sahid Yussuf

One day after finding out their father was murdered, Hassan Yussuf's children struggle to express their grief.

"It's so weird because you don't expect your dad to die just like that." says Ebyan Yussuf, 10 years old

Their father Hassan was beaten to death and stuffed in the trunk of his yellow cab. Police found him five days later.

"I really want to see the people that did it because if they didn't know the person then why would they kill them" says Ebyan

It's a crime that has robbed these children of a father they idolized.

"I remember he said he was going to come on the 20th of April but now he's dead so he can't. come to Ottawa? ya." says Sahid

Hassan worked for Yellow Cab to support his family. But he was hoping to move his wife and seven children to Edmonton so they could be together.

"He was a lovely guy, very happy, very respectable. "Treated you well?" Treated me well ya." says Farha Ali, Hassan's widow

Farha Ali was married to Hassan for 20 years. She's sad and angry.

"The hardest thing in this he has been missing for five days and he was in the trunk that's what I can't take right now, you know?" says Farha Ali

She has a lot of questions, but for now, she's just trying to deal with her loss.

"I'm going to miss him, his laugh you know.. cries.. I don't know.. I don't know." says Farha Ali

"He didn't deserve to die like this." says Mohamed Hersi, Hassan's nephew

Mohamed Hersi was Hassan's nephew. He describes his uncle as an intelligent man who had two degrees and spoke five languages. A man who fled war-torn Somalia in 1991 so his family could have a better life and not live in fear.

"...that's what is on my mind now, seven children now.. it's tough.. really tough... (shakes his head) very tough." says Hersi

Hassan's children may be young, but they realize the sacrifice their father made.

"Like he loved us so then, he would want us to go to university, to have a good then I want to achieve that dream and that's what we're mostly going for." says Ebyan

Hassan Yussuf's relatives have set up two trust funds. One is accepting donations for the Yussuf family. A second is called the Taxi Family Protection Fund. It is for future use in case something happens to a driver. Donations for either fund are being accepted starting tomorrow at TD bank." Global Edmonton

Wisdom of patience

When do you realize the importance of patience? When do you know you're too patient? How do you learn patience? Understand.

The old man was approached by a youth and was asked if he could share his wisdom. The old man looked at him and walked away. The youth confused, chased after him and asked why he did so?
The old man replied "All I can tell you is that you will make mistakes and learn from them." The youth disappointed said " I already know this, I've heard it before." The old man as he continued to walk then said "I am sure you know this but I do not have the patience for you to understand this. Wisdom is experience, awareness...not some mystical secret, not something known but understood."

some weeks pass...The youth sits on the bench beside the old man. Nothing is said as they watch, that which is in front of them. The old man after some time begins "Do you understand the importance of.." Right then the youth gets up and starts to walk away. The old man confused asks why he did so? The youth still walking, replied "I'm trying to become wise by learning from this mistake"

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Incoherent elucidation

Nothing is free
hard to see
your lies to me
seasons change
lives are born
death takes it
things that are
soon to be 'were'
promises sworn

Nothings known
still there's hope
hard to feel
chances are
fragile lives
incoherent thoughts
confused now?
hold my hand

Nothing is as it seems
conclusions made
lives altered
assumptions lead
swallows whole

Nothing is what it use to be
still images
cant repeat
not a street
cant walk

Take the time
bring meaning
not another rhyme

Friday, April 15, 2005

Before God

'--An old man sold toys in the Baghdad market. Knowing that his sight was not quite perfect, his customers sometimes paid him with fake money.
The old man discovered the ruse, but did not say anything. In his prayers he asked God to forgive those who cheated him. "Perhaps they're short of money and want to buy presents for their children," he said to himself.
The time passed and the old man died. Standing before the gates of Heaven, he prayed once more:
"Lord!" he said. "I am a sinner. I did many wrong things, I am no better than the false coins I was paid. Forgive me!"
At that moment the gates swung open and a Voice was heard:
"Forgive what? How can I judge someone who all through his life never once passed judgment on others?"--'

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Distortion's definition

-Distortion's definition-

Distance is what I've become
Delayed, always by some circumstance
Doubted to the last
Despondency is the song for my sad dance
Disconnected with the past
Defeated is what I feel
Disproportionate is my heart's intake
Disfiguring my soul,
with lapses in reason
Disappearing into the dark,
feeling the loss of gravity
Defaced my heart by commiting treason
Disillusioned by false promises
Discontent for the numbing pain
Disappointed in another yesterday
Discarded my souls skin, to show its stain(s)
Discouraged by the stranger in my mirror
Danger of becoming a lost cause
disoriented senses lead me in the darkness
Disingenuous are my promises to the heart
Disdain is what I feel for being 'human'
Desperate for a fresh start
Disbelief in finding my relief
Denied myself by not letting go

Decadence of love
Diminshing innocence
Deviated from the worn path

Disturbed by the fear of triping on the same rock
Dismayed is what you are when you speak
Distruaght by my heavy words slipping into nothingness
Debate the thought I had long fought
Deranged by my doubts
Delirious on hopes

Decadence of love
Diminshing innocence
Deviated from the worn path

Dream my life away?
Demean my existence
Dissatisfied in assuring my failure by fearing it
Displayed behind the glass showcase of memories
Destiny is what you make of your circumstance
Deja vu is to be expected
Defuse the doubts with the thought of living a life of regret

Dear love
Dear life
Dear God of mine
Dear soul in me
Shall we walk together?