Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Alrite most of you know that I returned my camera..and since then i've been looking for a cheap substitute for that little ping in the chest after the snap of a shot...heh, i've walked for days in out of flea markets, pawnshops, garage sales..etc and here i am going old school:s..I've been looking at the old manual Cameras and I now have a new love...ladies and gentlemen i'd like to introduce you to Bob ibn waynal baab...you guys can call him bob.
Check it out- http://www.mir.com.my/rb/photography/companies/canon/fdresources/SLRs/ae1pgrm/


At 2:58 AM, Blogger Mohammad Hadi. A said...

Ibn waynal baab! ah, my long lost cousin from al-khandariyah village just south of maraynatou :)! eheh, it looks pretty kewl bro, i'm terrible with manual cameras, in photography, i'll pass for an posing-to-be-experienced-but-devoid-of any-real-knowledge-type-of-n00bie :)

P.S. please return my cousin, his family has been ever so worried :( my address is: 19 Prout Grove, LONDON

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Demahom said...

lol...hm your cousin eh^ well let me clean him up, put some food in his stomache and make him work the feilds:p..then when he has brought in a years worth of crop in one month i'll send him over:)


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