Look at it pour out there
while we're in here
how much more should they have to bear
while morality's lost to Ill rationality held dear
Ill spent content, was it all a dream?
a substitute for reality?
or is it part of life's running theme
a purposefully glorified duality
that gives cause for the animated grief
like Pandora's box gift wrapped present~~
our life is fallacy plagued with hope brief
hope fought conformity with the malcontent
look at it pour out there
while we're in here
how much more should they have to bear
while morality's lost to Ill rationality held dear
Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Just remind me please, was this all a dream?
Do we all just live with short-term memory?
or is it fear of becoming that scream
tell a new story instead of replaying history
suffering from 'out of sight out of mind'
pop culture industry keeps me up to date
with E weekly on Paris's new pet find
while I scarcely know the World Bank's mandate
look at it pour out there
while we're in here
how much more should they have to bear
while morality's lost to Ill rationality held dear
A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a
'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.
Mohandas Gandhi
Atrocity only needs silence for consent
so I'll start speaking as a person
beyond accusations for argument
knowledge starts with removing the curtain
remember the namesless Chinaman?
the men with guns were sent in with their tanks
He made his stand and stopped them at Tiananmen
courage or conviction I give him thanks.
Is it contextual morality
that lets me sleep on some nights and not others
perhaps a tweak in my mentality
will help our fathers, sons, daughters and mothers
I'm starting to see it as 'us' not as them
this night, again, I could not sleep
'them' being 'us' meaning 'me' found I had myself to condemn.
it's our voice, our choice, to change or to keep.
look at it pour out there
while we're in here
how much more should they have to bear
while morality's lost to Ill rationality held dear
hey guys i need your help;)
lol i wrote this one on one of my loooong nights...it be much appreciated if you guys could give me some imput..tell me you don't like it or that you do like it..ne pointers or questions are welcomed:-
i rewrote the ending to this i wasn't feeling the original ending...gave me the sense of being uh...preach-y....and that's not what i want it to come off as
thought-provoking (i know that i've said that term one too many... lol but studying is impairing my search for better words..) anyway while i was searching for a french play for a friend from my old french binder i saw this (translation):
"The only way to disencumber your fears, it's to face them."
-Unknown source
i think it's somehow related to your entry... mayhap to your last quote... gah thinking like you said!
p.s. someday i should change my browser main page... it pops up and i see news like "nick and jessica separating"... the allure of celebrity gossip at the expense of being informed about those suffering in the world... alas...
lol 'neb' i love it, actually made me laugh:)
neways thanx for the input..i love the quote! I'm gonna use it...n your right it does fit but i dont kno...you got me thinking on it lol but i'm thinking of just having the two quotes i'll save the annon's for another time:)
i made some changes, again:s...neways
I really appreciate the input given via email, msgs and comments thanx:)
:) keeps getting better and better :):)
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