Thursday, September 08, 2005

...this madness of our sadness is clarity in sunglasses...

voices in me blend
clear to static
smiles aren't meant for the pretend
not the numbing anesthetic
eyes pasted open
tears dry
wantless needs a friend
something true to your lie

voices in me blend
pull me up from the end
squeezes the heart
brought to life, a fresh start
sightless darkness
blinding brightness
meet me in the middle
two pieces to the riddle

voices in me blend
hands to the door knob
door moves motionless
staring through the crowd
someone please
walk past
the deep sleepers
the day dreamers
the nightmare tremors
the angered accusers
falsified winners
honest losers
gelled womanizers
lipsticked liars
endless ranters
walk past
just walk...
their voices will blend
clear to static
the voices will blend.


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